World-class destination in Purbachal Times Square Smart City’s Special Investment Region(SIR), also known as Bangladesh’s first smart city. Purbachal Times Square’s innovative technology campaigns will go from strength to strength once its initiatives are launched as early as 2024. Data is at the heart of Purbachal Times Square Smart City’s Special Investment Region(SIR) projects. The accumulation and analysis of urban patterns such as traffic flow, speed, and air quality measured by sensors and CCTV deployed across the city form a solid basis for intelligent infrastructure and services. Focusing the technology towards the city’s aging population, a safety initiative will be in place to aid senior citizens who live alone. If there’s no movement detected over a certain period or if environmental sensors pick up abnormal temperature, humidity, or lighting, relevant case workers and emergency services would be contacted immediately. Likewise, Times Square is considering using the data platform to create an AI detective to flag potential crime patterns. Now, thanks to the 5G network, Times Square will be the first city to utilize 5G technology in mobility and transportation.